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Liquefied Petroleum Gas - LPG

Liquefied Petroleum Gases

Liquefied gases are one of the petroleum products used worldwide today, such as city gas for cooking, which is why it is interesting to know what LPG gas is and what compounds it is made of.
If you are also interested in learning about the features, uses, structure, and history of the discovery of liquefied petroleum gases, you have reached the right source.

 Liquefied Petroleum Gas – LPG

What is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)?

Liquefied Petroleum Gas is a colorless and volatile gas obtained by pressuring, cooling, and liquefying refinery or natural gas (including oilfield gas). The main components of liquefied gas obtained from refinery gas are:

  • Propane
  • Propylene
  • Bhutan
  • Bouton

The liquid gas composition obtained from natural gas is essentially free of olefins. Liquefied gas is a flammable substance that will explode when exposed to an open flame when the air content reaches a specific concentration range.

This article will review all the essential points about liquefied petroleum gases in simple language, so stay with us until the end.



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Liquefied Petroleum Gas - LPG


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Jet Fuel

Jet Fuel

Throughout history, oil and the products obtained from oil have been able to make human life easier and bring it closer to modernity. After the advancement of technology and man's access to special airplanes and types of jets and missiles, the issue of their fuel was also raised.
Jet fuel is one of the other products obtained from oil and is one of the essential needs of human life today

Jet Fuel

Jet Fuel

Jet engines in all types of airplanes, helicopters, and all aircraft use a fuel called jet fuel, which must have special conditions and be fueled by different fuel tanks.

Aircraft engines have a different structure from car piston cylinder engines. In these engines, by creating acceleration in the air, a force called “Trust” is created, and this force actually causes the necessary forward thrust in the plane. Therefore, jet fuel must have a special structure.


Sustainable Jet Fuel

Suitable jet fuel should have a high ignition temperature, should not precipitate and cause rust, should have a high calorific value, be safe to transport and work with, should not damage the hot parts of the engine turbine, and flow well in cold weather.



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Jet Fuel


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In the past, kerosene was used to create light, heat, and energy all over the world. The first written documents about the distillation process of this substance were written by Mohammad bin Zakariya Razi, an Iranian scientist. In the book of secrets of this scientist, you can find two methods to produce this substance.


Kerosene’s popularity

The name kerosene was coined by a Canadian geologist, which comes from its Greek name meaning waxy oil. The Chinese made this combination by extracting and refining oil and providing the fuel needed to light the lamps.

Years later, with the introduction of gas and electricity into homes, the popularity of this material decreased, but there are still homes that use this combination for heating and lighting.

Today, around 1.2 million barrels of this compound are consumed worldwide for various applications.



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In recent years, Petrol has been one of the most significant and primary fuels consumed by humanity. Petrol is a flammable and volatile solution of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum and is used as a fuel for internal combustion engines.


History of Gasoline

This fuel was first called “Benzin” in Germany. Contrary to the opinion of some who think that the name of Petrol or in Germany “Benzin” is derived from Bertha Benz, this name comes from the chemical substance benzene. Before the invention of internal combustion engines in the mid-19th century, Petrol was sold in small bottles to kill lice and their eggs.

The word “Gasoline” was derived from the word gas in 1865. The current spelling of this word was first used in 1871. The shortened form of gas was first recorded in American English in 1905.

The word “petrol” was first used in 1892 as a refined substance and registered under the trade name Kappel & Leonard & Carls.



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Paraffin wax was first discovered in 1830 by Carl von Reichenbach, a German chemist. He tried to produce a device that can be used to separate and purify the waxy substances that are naturally present in the oil. Meanwhile, he discovered paraffin.
Paraffin wax initially had a low melting point, but was later hardened by the addition of stearic acid, and this defect was overcome. Paraffin wax production enjoyed a boom in the early 20th century due to the growth of the meat and oil packaging industries, which created paraffin and stearic acid as byproducts.


Define Paraffin

Paraffin is extracted from oil or coal in the petrochemical industry. It is a saturated hydrocarbon compound in which all the carbon atoms in the molecule are connected with simple bonds, and kinds of paraffin or paraffinic hydrocarbons are also called alkanes.

In other words, the characteristic of these materials is the connection of carbon atoms by simple bonds, other bonds are saturated with hydrogen atoms.

Paraffin is a colourless, tasteless and odourless hydrocarbon compound that is a part of petroleum derivatives. The general public thinks that paraffin is only used in candle making, however, in fact, paraffin can be used in various industries.

In this article, we will define paraffin and its types and examine its uses in various fields.



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Diesel Fuel

Diesel Fuel

In today's modern world, one of the most important fuels for mankind is diesel fuel. Gas Oil, also known as diesel fuel, is a combustible liquid that is used as fuel for diesel engines and is usually obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil.
In diesel engines, fuel does not burn with sparks, as in gasoline engines, but with the heat of compressed air in the cylinder. Diesel fuel relative to the same volume Gasoline releases more energy during combustion, so diesel engines generally produce better energy than gasoline engines.

Diesel Fuel

History of diesel production

The inventor of diesel was a German scientist named Rudolf Diesel. Before the oil industry started refining diesel, Rudolph experimented with biodiesel as well as coal dust.

Currently, diesel fuel is very popular and diesel engines have also made significant progress. The most important feature of these engines is the use of a compressor to ignite the fuel. In addition, their higher thermodynamic efficiency and thus fuel efficiency has led to an increase in its use in various industries.


Diesel fuel refining

Diesel fuel requires fewer refining steps to produce than gasoline, so diesel retail prices are traditionally lower than gasoline depending on location, season, taxes, and regulations. To get more information about this high consumption fuel, stay with us in the rest of the article. In this article, we will examine its features and specifications.



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Diesel Fuel

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Chemical Substances

Chemical Substances

One of the most essential and fundamental infrastructures of every country's industry is the factories related to the production of chemicals. Chemical Substances are a general name for substances with fixed chemical composition and specific characteristics and can be simple, combined, or alloyed from different elements.
Today, most industries require the use of industrial chemicals in the production of their products. Among the industries that use chemicals are the production of detergents and cosmetics, the textile industry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, agriculture, and steel and iron smelting industries.

Chemical Substances

Classification of chemical Substances

Chemical Substances are generally divided into two categories: organic and mineral materials, which are very useful in product production.


Organic Chemical Substances

Organic Chemical Substances was obtained from the bodies of living organisms until a German scientist made a discovery. In 1828, German-born Wahler first produced a substance called urea in his laboratory from a compound called isocyanate. He proved to everyone that these organic substances could be made in laboratories. The main structure of organic matter is carbon (C). Of course, other elements may also be found in the structure of some of these materials, including hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), and palladium (Pd).

Organic materials are divided into four general categories:

  1. The first category is simple hydrocarbons: carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). These compounds are known by the formula CxHy.
  2. Oxygenated hydrocarbons are another category of organic substances that are made of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). They are represented by the formula CxHyOz.
  3. Nitrogenous hydrocarbons are also among organic substances and are made of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and nitrogen (N). The general formula of these compounds is CxHyNt.
  4. The last category is oxygenated and nitrogenated hydrocarbons. As it is clear from their name, in addition to hydrogen and carbon, they also contain oxygen and nitrogen. These compounds are represented by the formula CxHyOzNt.



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Chemical Fertilizers Products

Chemical Fertilizers Products

Like us humans who need food to survive and grow, plants also need to be fed with various chemical fertilizers to survive and grow, in addition to water and light to strengthen their roots and grow better. This is why fertilizing fields and gardens are critical and has been emphasized. Any material that increases the yield of the crop in order to strengthen the soil and increase its fertility, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is called fertilizer.
In this article, we will introduce the types of chemical fertilizers. Hence you can choose the fertilizer you need with complete familiarity and safety.

Chemical Fertilizers Products

Chemical Fertilizers

The production of these types of fertilizers brought about a revolution in agriculture and an increase in the production of crops. The chemical composition and purity percentage of different fertilizers containing the same element are very different.

These differences affect the consumption, spreading method, fertilization time, and effectiveness of fertilizers. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the types of chemical fertilizers before choosing or using them.

Chemical fertilizers are divided into two categories, some of which are high-use plant elements (macro-element), and some are part of low-use plant elements (micro-element).

  • Consumable elements (macro) include: nitrogen – phosphorus – potassium – magnesium – calcium
  • Low-consumption (micro) elements include: iron-zinc-copper-manganese-boron

Chemical fertilizers are divided according to the type of element. For example, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers have one or two elements. If a fertilizer has all the elements together and proportionally, it is called complete fertilizer.

This article explains nitrogen fertilizers, phosphorus fertilizers, potassium, and sulfur fertilizers, and calcium and magnesium fertilizers are considered the essential chemical fertilizers.



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Chemical Fertilizers Products

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Aromatic Products

Aromatic Products

Chemical companies are the leading manufacturers and suppliers of the group of petrochemicals called "Aromatic". If you are interested in chemistry, you know that hydrocarbons are an integral part of human life, and aromatic compounds are no exception.

Aromatic Products


Aromatic Materials

The wide applications of these materials in human life have made their knowledge highly attractive. Aromatics include benzene, toluene, and xylene. These colorless liquids with a distinct odor are important chemical precursors or “building blocks” that can be converted into many intermediates and polymers needed to produce various everyday products.

Aromatics provide some of the basic building blocks of the modern petrochemical industry. The products include clothing, packaging, paints, glue, computers, CDs and DVDs, whiteboards, and tennis rackets, which rely on aromatics.

Stay with us in the rest of this article to get familiar with the types of these compounds, their characteristics, and combinations.



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Aromatic Products

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Polymer Products

Polymer Products

It can be said that since the beginning of life, humans have been using polymer materials without knowing what a polymer is. Polymers are materials whose molecular structure consists of many repeating components.
Today, the various applications of polymer materials in multiple industries are such that almost no industry can be found without traces of these materials. This is to the extent that polymer materials have created many changes in some industries. Therefore, it can be said that using these materials in some sectors has created an unprecedented revolution in them.

Polymer Products



These substances are chains of hydrogen and carbon atoms. These materials have crystalline order on a small scale (a few atomic distances) but do not have a crystalline structure on a large scale.  The properties of polymers can be understood by knowing the molecules and their arrangement.

Polymer (resin) has a main carbon skeleton with hydrogen atoms; they are a chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The variety of properties of these materials depends on the degree of polymerization (i.e., the size of the molecule) and the presence of sub-branches.

Polymer is the name of the raw plastic product that exists in nature in different forms. Polymer materials have a wide variety and are selected for plastic products according to the final product. Plastic is the name given to artificial polymers.

Chemically, these materials are made up of single units called monomers, which are linked with millions of other molecules like themselves to form long chains. The chain may be linear or have several branches, and several transverse connections may connect the chains.

The length of these chains, the number of branches they have, and how tightly they are linked together determine the physical properties of the final plastic.



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Polymer Products

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